Uptown Blanco Textile Studio

323 Main St.
Blanco, TX
Wagner and Chabot Hardscrabble Cafe
Cage Building

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The Cage brothers had general merchandise stores on the west side of the square from the 1870s to the mid-1900s. The present building, constructed in 1908 for Jack Cage with native rough limestone, was known in the community as the “Cage Store,” which featured hardware, clothes, groceries, and drygoods.

In 1955, Alvin Kneupper purchased both business and building and in 1966 the property passed to Jerry and Marie Anna Lindeman, who renamed it Lindeman’s. It was used as a grocery and dry goods store and meat market until 1997. Following that, Linda Lyons opened a store named Wagner and Chabot and then Hardscrabble Cafe. After Uptown Blanco purchased the buildings on the west side, Uptown Blanco Textile Studio opened.

The design is typical of an early 20th-century commercial building and has not been significantly altered. The interior features wood floors and plaster walls.